You don't have to pay again to re-download the Deluxe Edition. Simply download the Free Standard edition and install it. The Deluxe features are hidden inside the free standard edition. To unlock the Deluxe features, start the program and click on Help > Unlock Legacy Deluxe. Follow the prompts and click the Unlock button.
Click here if you lost your Deluxe Customer Number.
If you are transferring a family file from an old computer to a new one, the best method is to make a backup copy of your family file in Legacy on the old machine and then restore the family file using Legacy on the new machine. Click here for more information.
We recommend that you use either Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator to download.
It is fastest to install Legacy from the Web and RUN or OPEN the setup file when downloading. (People using Mozilla Firefox may be unable to run the setup file from the Web because of the extremely tight security features built into it.)
We recommend a high-speed Internet connection (DSL or cable modem work the best).
Dial-up connections frequently experience problems because of the time involved in downloading.
Please do not cancel the download (even if the download indicator goes backward) as this will break your Legacy program and you will have to download all over again to fix the problem.
Article ID: 52, Created: 2/12/2009 at 1:59 PM, Modified: 2/12/2009 at 1:59 PM