You must first buy the Deluxe Edition to get a Deluxe Customer Number. Your Deluxe Customer Number appears on the CD sleeve (commercial outlet purchase) or was e-mailed to you (online purchase) and/or included on the shipping invoice.
When Legacy is opened for the first time, it will start as the Standard Edition. The Deluxe features are hidden inside it. From the help menu click on Help > Unlock Legacy Deluxe and enter your name and number.
Your old Legacy Customer Number will not unlock the Legacy 7.0 Deluxe Edition features. Installation passwords, upgrade codes, and certificate or shop order numbers will not work either. Be sure you are using an actual Deluxe Customer Number. It will look something like 60-123-456-78.
Don't misplace your Deluxe Customer Number. You will need it if you ever have to re-install. But, if you lost it click here.
Article ID: 69, Created: 2/20/2009 at 9:19 AM, Modified: 2/20/2009 at 9:19 AM