FeedBlitz is a company we have hired to deliver our newsletters. Despite the sound of their name, they are not spammers. They are a company that specializes in legitimate email newsletter delivery that is verified not to be spam. They go to great lengths to ensure that the people they are sending to have subscribed to the newsletters that are being sent. Spam filters and blacklisting of large emailers is a huge problem these days as we try to send out Legacy News and Legacy Product Watch to our customers. Hiring FeedBlitz is our latest attempt to ensure that you receive the newsletter. We have talked with the owners of FeedBlitz and are confident that they never knowingly send out any kind of spam emailings. They are able to stay off the majority of blacklists because of this.
Article ID: 98, Created: 2/23/2009 at 2:26 PM, Modified: 2/23/2009 at 2:26 PM