Runtime Error ‘380’ after Updating:
Run-time error 380 is most commonly caused an interrupted or incomplete download of the Legacy update file. This error does not cause any data to be lost and can be fixed by re-downloading the update file and making sure it finishes. Please Note: The download progress indicator may appear to 'stall' at 8%, or reset to 0%. This is normal. Legacy is downloading. Please do not cancel the download as this causes run-time error 380 which can only be fixed by completing this download.
Click Here to update Legacy 7.0
Click Here to update Legacy 6.0 or earlier versions
If the update file does not fix the problem, next delete the from the Legacy folder on your hard drive the files that end with .USR and .LNG. When you restart Legacy you will need to reset any customized settings you made.
Runtime Error ‘380’ clicking Source Clipboard button:
If you get runtime error 380 when you click the Source Clipboard button, please browse into the folder where your family file is located and delete the files that end with .NC or .NC0, etc. (Normally family files are saved in the Data subfolder with in the Legacy folder.)
Article ID: 16, Created: 2/11/2009 at 11:11 AM, Modified: 3/3/2009 at 2:45 PM