We've been having a lot of problems with spyware scanners removing Windows system files that Legacy needs to run. Most frequently, the files removed are the cia*.* files and actbar.ocx. Trend Micro PC-Cillin seems to be the biggest culprit.
When you download/install Legacy, make sure you have all other programs shut down.
Make sure your anti-virus and anti-spyware programs are temporarily disabled.
We've noticed that the anti-spyware programs aren't even allowing Legacy to be installed.
Be very careful about what files you let the the anti-spyware program remove.
Most importantly of all, please write to the Trend Micro support department and let them know that their program is disabling legitimate programs. You can give them a link to our website so they can download Legacy Family Tree (http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/Download.asp) and check it out for themselves.
Here are the steps that PC-cillin users take to download and install Legacy:
Temporarily disable your computer's firewall.
Temporarily disabled Trend Micro PC-cillin and then download/install Legacy Family Tree.
PC-cillin users allow permissions for Legacy Family Tree (PC-cillin identifieds Legacy as ADROAR SPYWARE, which it isn't) and set PC-cillin not to remove the files.
In addition, some Legacy users have opted to uninstall PC-cillin and replace it with another program. GRISOFT makes an anti-virus program (AVG Anti-Virus Free) and an anti-spyware program (AVG Anti-Spyware Free) that can be downloaded from http://free.grisoft.com/doc/1.
Article ID: 61, Created: 2/19/2009 at 10:27 AM, Modified: 2/19/2009 at 10:27 AM